Creating a shine for Wine
Wickham Wines are an established wine merchant with a penchant selecting only the best wines in South West
The Brief
Commissioned to by Jonathan at “All Saints” design for the very Established brand Newey & Bloomer to photograph their range of very shiny kettles. Images to be used for their website, pr and Social media
The Results
The difficulty with this shoot was two-fold. (1.) The products were ever so shiny which meant very careful photography, lighting and editing were needed so as not to see my equipment in the photos – each kettle was a mirror reflection of 180 degrees. (2.) I carefully light the surface of each kettle so as to not overexpose the surface and still retain each kettles beautiful details.
Commissioned to by Jonathan at “All Saints” design for the very Established brand Newey & Bloomer to photograph their range of very shiny kettles.
The difficulty with this shoot was two-fold. (1.) The products were ever so shiny which meant very careful photography, lighting and editing were needed so as not to see my equipment in the photos – each kettle was a mirror reflection of 180 degrees. (2.) I carefully light the surface of each kettle so as to not overexpose the surface and still retain each kettles beautiful details.
The shoot took a day and a half of meticulous photography to reach the desired results. As you can see from the print screen of their e-commerce web shop the products came out very well.